Thank you to everyone who supported our Harvest Festival Foodbank collection over the weekend. This was our sixth quarterly foodbank collection, and ever since we embarked upon our first Foodbank Collection, some fifteen months ago, I have tried to predict ‘FEAST or FAMINE’ as to what the Foodbank Collection will be.
I have just returned from the Village Hall, where a handful of Lions and volunteers loaded the vehicles of four local foodbank charities; Bethany Community Foodbank, Around Again Charity, Carriers of Hope, plus we dropped off a pick-up truck overflowing with food destined for The Trussell Trust Foodbank, courtesy of the Co-op in Balsall Common.
Each charity received approximately 125 carrier bags of food and essential supplies - a total of 500 carrier bags. IT’S ANOTHER FEAST!!
In addition, we received approximately £200 in cash and online donations.
We will leave our donation page open until the end of the month, please use the button below if you wish to support our work.
Thank you to all of our Lions volunteers and supporters for their work over the weekend and for their hours of service to our community … and most of all – thanks to yourselves – the people of Balsall Common who donated so generously!
Thanks again
Lion President Mark Whitfield